We've had FUEL Conference for Women. Now it's the girls' turn!
Conference for connection, building community and personal growth. FUEL: Firing Up Everyone’s Light.
Changing the narrative for girls and their community of girls!
For Ages 12-15.
The world can dim your light or brighten your light. Sometimes our light gets dimmed at school or on our teams or even at home with our siblings. We can bring out the light in others or be the dimmers. It stops and starts with us ourselves. Let’s set our daughters up to FUEL others, in-turn being surrounded by a community of girls who bring out the light in them: Firing Up EVERYONE’s Light. F.U.E.L.
Encouraging our daughters to have community from a young age. Teaching that being a light to everyone can start NOW. Young girls don't have to wait to grow up to make an impact to those around them.
Come for a half-day workshop full of fun, friends, inspiration, connection and growth. We are working to equip our girls to be the difference for other females in their classrooms, on their teams, in their community. We thrive when we are encouraged, supported and cheered for. Why not teach our girls this now, instead of waiting until they are our age (hello, moms!) to try and figure this out. Let’s equip them to be the encourager, the supporter, the one cheering others on! Firing Up EVERYONE’s Light. Let's BUILD Community.
FUEL conference for Women has been POWERFUL, IMPACTFUL and a space for CONNECTION. We want to bring the experience to the girls. We think they are ready to SHINE their LIGHT and bring out the LIGHT in others!